
At the beginning of each year many people make out a list of resolutions for the new year. I've made resolutions for the past few years and normally at the end of the year I would find myself rather disappointed as I would be stuck in the same place as I was, at the beginning of the year. I would still be stuck in bad habits, gained weight rather than lost it, still letting negative aspects of my life control me, etc. All of this was true until this year. At the beginning of this year I made a few simple resolutions that I actually thought were achievable and that I had good reasoning for. They included saving money (reasonable because I am going to college in eight months.. did I really just say that?!). Another one was to stop drinking pop (this was never a problem for me, but somehow I quickly picked up this addiction last year). A few others were to not necessarily lose weight but consciously make healthier choices, to stop swearing, and make more time for myself. So here I am sitting thinking about the results of my resolutions from this past year. I have actually become a lot better (not perfect) with managing my money and learning the importance of knowing when to spend and when to save. I stopped drinking pop for over three months, however one day I let myself have a Sprite and I picked it back up again but I am back to having one pop a day or some days none. I am still learning to make healthier choices but am doing better. Sometimes I cave in due to pizza and lifesaver gummies. I have completely stopped swearing and I have some awesome friends who have held me accountable and an almighty God through which anything is possible. Lastly, I haven't completely learned to put myself first but I have found a few hobbies (like this one) that let me relax and have time for myself. I am so grateful for actually going through with my resolutions. Anything is possible with a great group of supporters and encouragers and our amazing God. Here's to another year of resolutions: 1. Stop using the word "freaking." 2. Choose my words more wisely. 3. 1 Peter 5:7 (one of my favorite Bible verses and I want to work on truly giving all of my cares to God.) 4. Read everyday. 5. Pray consistently. 6. Break my pop addiction.
Feel free to leave your resolutions below!


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