Christmas Spirit

We all have something different we love about Christmas. We all have one thing that we think of when someone mentions Christmas. Whether it be the music, the lights, Jesus, the food, family gatherings and parties, having a break, or the overall Christmas spirit, there's at least one thing we love about this time of the year. Although there are many things that I simply love about Christmas, I've recently been reminded of the one thing that I love the most. Although there are giving people who are just givers by heart throughout the whole year, I feel like Christmas time really brings that out in a lot of people. About a month ago, my parents, siblings, and I were talking about people that we needed to buy Christmas presents for. We all mentioned a few people that we consider special that were priorities for us; however my brother mentioned someone I never would've thought for my brother to think of. Not only did he want to buy presents for this person, he even insisted that he buy them with his own money. Now some of you are probably thinking how does a nine year old boy have money to buy anything, let alone for someone else. My brother had saved up a substantial amount of chore money and was well prepared for buying a decent amount of gifts. Although I know it's not about the number of gifts or the money spent on them, this was for a special someone who needed some things for Christmas and needed to be reminded how much she is loved. This was for a girl who my whole family has truly grown to love this year and my brother completely adores this friend of mine. Completely astonished, my parents reminded my brother that they could take care of it, however that they were more than willing to take him to buy a few presents for her. A few days later, this friend came over and her and my brother sat down and wrote Christmas lists together. After this, my mom took my brother to the store for him to be able to buy this girl a few things on her list. When they came home and my brother showed me what he got, I couldn't help but fight the tears (I'm probably one of the most emotional people you will ever meet). It was not only things that this girl would absolutely love, but the thought that my little brother was willing to spend his own money on this completely blew me away. My nine year old brother could've been selfish, greedy and insisting that he get everything on his list for Christmas, however he wasn't. He chose to be selfless and giving. If any, there are very few moments where I have been prouder to call Carter Fox my brother. He reminded me that Christmas is all about giving, showing Christ's love, and living out the Christmas spirit.


  1. I was visiting tonight and the doggie cookie jar was sitting right there with us. I can't wait to see what Carter bought!


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