Full Plate

A lot of people talk about their schedules or lives being like a plate. If they have a lot going on or have a lot of responsibilities at a certain time, they have a lot on their plate or a full plate. Well, I've got a full plate all the time and sometimes I even have a dessert plate. I've actually learned a lot about how to distribute different things onto the main plate and onto the dessert plate to be able to take on so many different things. As a lot of you know I'm highly active not only at my school, but also at my church, in the community and with my family and friends. Although I'm not in any sports, I'm involved in almost every club at my high school. I'm FFA president, FCA leader, Key Club treasurer, Sub Debs treasurer, and a member of many others. Between club activities, running my sister and brother around sometimes, going to chiropractor appointments, fighting the struggle of switching cars what seems like every month, and babysitting, I somehow find time to get to enjoy being with my friends. Having a full plate means being so stuffed sometimes that I'm overwhelmed and sometimes even run myself sick. Although I don't advise running yourself to this point, sometimes (actually a lot of the time) I have a hard time telling people no. However, it also means I get the most joyful and fulfilling feelings from this, too. I get to see the little girl's smile that we raised money for this weekend for FCA. I get to help decide what our FFA Christmas project is going to be. I get to be blessed by the girls that I teach a Bible study to every other week. I get to color and play games with the elementary girl that I mentor. Although sometimes it feels like I'm running 100 miles per hour and I can't slow down, I'll take on a full plate everyday because it's worth it for moments like these.


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