
A few days ago, my friend's mom Facebook messaged me about donating some of my clothes to our school clothing closet. This is a new idea at our school and while our community has been nothing but gracious and supportive in their donations, there was a need for some clothes in sizes bigger than a size eight. I put it off for a little while thinking about having to part ways with a few articles of clothing (which should not be a problem if you've ever seen my hoarder's dream closet). I've always loved clothes and especially shoes. They weren't always new; I've learned that sometimes my cousin's hand-me-downs were better than new $80 Abercrombie & Fitch jeans that my parents bought me in sixth grade. It didn't matter what kind of clothes, I loved them. I loved the options I had to dress as formal or as informal as I wanted. I loved that I could change my outfit two or three times a day if I really wanted (I learned rather quickly that this isn't as fun when you have to do your own laundry). The time finally came and there I found myself standing in front of my closet. I couldn't help but take a second to really step back in disbelief at the amount of clothing articles I had acquired. I started at the back of my closet and before I knew it, I had quite the pile going and I didn't feel saddened or torn about all of the clothes I was willingly getting rid of. As I went to grab a few bags to put the clothes in, I sat there and thought about how grateful I was to be able to go through my closet on any random night and have enough clothes to go through and pick ten plus items to give to someone who could truly use them more than I could. What if everyone went through their closet and could part with even just two or three items to give to someone who would truly appreciate them more than the givers could ever imagine? I could tell you it would be absolutely amazing and so very fulfilling for many of us if our school clothing closet could be full of choices for kids who need it. Stop being materialistic and remember to give to someone in need, not just during this season of giving but during all seasons of the year. Always remember to look at the light at the end of the tunnel and be willing to see the bigger picture. Don't take anything you have for granted. God has blessed me more than I could ever imagine. James 1:17


  1. I met a Grandmother on O2 raising teenagers. She will stand in line at the clothing ministry for the girls. Sometimes she doesn't get in because they close 2 hours later. The girls are in school then. I, thanks to girls like Faith, am taking the clothes to Grandma and the girls!


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