
A week ago we had a senior class meeting. We filled the theater with our entire class and discussed yearbook requirements, class trip ideas, and all things involved with being a senior. With this came a paper of information we have to fill out about ourselves, the stereotypical hero, quote, birthday, etc. Above the lines, it stated that you may only fill each blank with one answer. Some of them were easy. I mean what senior doesn't know their birthday or full name? However, two of them stuck out to me, my hero and my nickname. I have acquired many nicknames throughout high school. Most of them include jokes about my name: Hope, Foxy, Faithy, Foxy Faith, and Foxy Mama. However, I've acquired my favorite nickname through something that has nothing to do with my actual name. This nickname happens to be "Mom." Although I'm not sure of the exact person who first addressed me by this name but everyone quickly adopted it. Weeks after a few people gave me this nickname, it seemed like half the school had adopted it. As time went on, more and more people accepted this nickname for me. At first, I was a little weirded out by it, but I quickly started to love it. I remember when my parents first found out. They were annoyed and upset to say the least; their reaction was definitely not what I expected. I vividly remember the many phrases uttered, "why do you like that," "no boy wants to date a girl that is called Mom, "Are you sure they mean it in a positive way?" This nickname suddenly started to take place of my real name. Many teachers started to call me this, family members started to joke about it, my friends started to put my name in their phones as this, and even some community members brought to my attention that they knew that kids were calling me this. It actually started to sound weird when people would call me by my actual name, and not Mom or some form of this nickname. The nickname continued to grow and grow. Soon enough, my car wasn't just a Malibu, it was the Mom Malibu and I was called the Malibu Mom. I was known for giving underclassmen rides, being the first one to be texted or called when someone needed help, and having snacks in my car for anyone who rode with me. Even some kids that I barely knew started to ask me for advice. Although I felt like I wasn't qualified to have this nickname, apparently I possessed enough to be given this name. With this name comes a lot of joy and love, there's still not a day that goes by that I don't get a "Hey Mom, I need help..." text or a "hey Mom, how's life?" in the hallway. I get to be the first to know a lot of good news, however I also get to be the first to know a lot of bad news. I get to cheer my friends on in life's best moments, yet give advice during life's hardest moments. This may be the single thing that I will miss most about high school. I have loved every second of staying up until 1am for a friend who's hurting. I have loved every second of being some kids' only source of encouragement. I have loved every second of being trusted with someone's biggest secrets. I have loved every second of being loved and getting to love some of the best people. I have loved every second of being "Mom." Much love to "my kiddos." John 13:34-35


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