Introducing: My Family

Introducing: My Fam
I thought that before I really got started I should introduce some of the people I will be talking about and the people who truly make me who I am today. So what better people to start with than the four lovable crazies that I have lived with for almost eighteen years?
I'll start with my momma, the one who holds our family together. She is mentally and emotionally one of the strongest women I know. I mean it takes a pretty special person to not only work with special education students everyday for the past twenty-two years, but to love them unconditionally. She takes any kid in as her own. She has the sweetest soul who loves nothing more than to live simply. My mom is a giver, a teacher, a traveler, and a boss (in more ways than one). My momma has given me her love for kiddos, raspberry-filled cupcakes, and Christmas.
Next is my dad, my opposite. Although my dad and I butt heads more often than we agree, I've actually come to learn a lot from him. I've learned from his amazing work ethic, his willingness to fight for what he believes in, and his superpower to teach himself literally anything he sets his mind to. My dad is one of the hardest workers I know, whether it be in his day job, working in his wood shop, flipping our house, or being persistent to hunt for the "perfect" deer. I share my dad's love for pizza, coffee, a good adrenaline rush, and going to the shooting range.
My "twin", my little sister, and one of my best friends would be the girl on the right. Oh my, have we come a long way! My sister and I used to be the annoying sisters who would fight at the sight of each other. Although we still have our moments, because she can't stand the sound of other people eating and I can't stand her messiness; we've recently grown rather close. I'm not sure if this is because she's in high school with me now or if we just like to rant to each other, but what I do I know for sure is that I love every part of it. Although my sister is younger, I've always felt like I was always having to try to live up to her. My sister had straight A's in middle school and I got one B. My sister was the volleyball captain and was the softball star who could hit like a beast yet eye-hand coordination just wasn't in any part of my vocabulary so sports weren't really for me. However, since being in high school I've been able to mostly overcome that and have been able to have a deeper relationship with my sister. Never did I think I would say this, but I will miss her more than she will ever know next year.
Last but not least, that little munchkin in the front rounded out our family to be the "5 Foxes". My brother and I are a little over eight years apart so that has made a huge impact on the relationship we have. When my brother was born, I was over the moon with joy. I loved having a brother, especially a younger brother because it was something different. Eventually time went on and the joy didn't disappear but it definitely wasn't the same kind of joy. I quickly learned that my brother would grow up rather quickly, we had one more person to share with and I became responsible for dragging him around, sometimes. After I learned of the responsibility that he brought to me, the joy changed a little bit but I've learned a lot from the little basketball-playing spitfire who loves nothing more than to wear all black which drives my entire family absolutely crazy. If you know my brother at all, you know that he can be a little turd sometimes, but you also know that he can be the biggest sweetheart. Although he tries my every nerve, I am constantly reminded of the heart of gold that he has.
Now that you know these four crazies a little more, hopefully you will be able to understand some of my future blogs better.


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