
Confidence. Something I've always struggled with. Ever since I was in middle school, I have always compared myself to everyone else. Whether it was in the sports that I tried and miserably failed at, the expensive, sparkly shirts that the other girls wore, or the one B that I got my freshmen year which would keep me from achieving my goal of being one of the valedictorians. It was a constant battle. See that picture above? I would've never posted that my freshmen year because it's just of me and I didn't want people to think I was selfish. I never wanted anyone to mistake that I thought too highly of myself and was conceited, so I guess I took the exact opposite path. However, I don't think a lot of people noticed it, actually I must have covered it up pretty well. At the end of my sophomore year I remember my mom telling me that one of my teachers had told my mom that he wanted his daughter to be as confident as I was one day and to feel comfortable in her own skin like I did. Confidence in my own skin was something that I actually quickly overcame in my early high school experiences. Now that I think of it though, I can't think of just one person who made me feel like I was good enough or that I didn't have to prove that I was skinny enough or had the prettiest face. I actually can think of several people. First of all, I am surrounded by an immense group of friends who bring me the utmost joy. Although I am not the skinniest friend in the bunch, actually I am far from it; and although I could sit there and think of every reason that all of my friends are better, prettier, or more deserving than me, I willing chose everyday to not focus on that. Trust me, it's a huge struggle sometimes but with the right people by your side, it's possible. Especially with the One who created us all (Luke 1:37).  I truly believe this has helped my confidence level the most because I never felt like I had to fight for my friends, actually if you walked down the hallway at my high school you would hear a wide array of people friendly calling me many different nicknames, but that's a topic for another day. Next, my mom always believed in me and made sure that she taught me how to have confidence. She is quick to remind me how proud of me she is and how much she loves me. However, not only have my friends and Momma shown me that I was worthy and good enough, I have so many other people who have reminded me of this and setting examples for myself of people who I thought were confident or people who I was confident in, is one of the best decisions I have made to this day. So now as a senior in high school, I did post that picture above because that picture is a true candid and describes my loud, outgoing personality and shows me in a true moment of joy. All in all, with the right people around and a constant reminder to yourself, you can overcome your self-consciousness and be confident in who you are. You are good enough. You are worthy. You are loved. 2 Corinthians 3:5


  1. Confidence suits you well! Your message is inspiring and gives me hope. God has big plans for you to spread his love and joy to others. I know that you always do just that for me! Thanks for being you, Faith! I wouldn't want you to be any other way. With much love and respect, Susan Imeroni

  2. Love and pray others can overcome their insecurities too!!!!!

  3. You were a wonderful joy to have in class. You were/are kind, considerate of others feelings and opinions, and incredibly thoughtful in your approach to life. On top of it all, you are beautiful with a great, infectious smile. You have every right to be confident in who you are!

    1. Oh, I wish I could edit. I am missing an apostrophe to show possession...always the English teacher!

    2. You're too sweet! Thank you so much! Miss you and hope you're doing well.


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