
Plans: a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something
As humans we make all kinds of plans, plans to go to dinner, plans to get a certain job, plans to get married one day, plans to get a new car, plans to visit family, etc. We constantly are arranging to do or achieve something. Since August, I have been in charge of planning several events and planning to make a significant amount of decisions. Little and big, I have a way of stressing out over all of them. Over the past six months, I have planned to get my car fixed twice, I have planned the Fields of Faith event, I have planned out my week to week schedules, I have planned to babysit for different families, I have planned to travel to visit my family, I have planned a youth group lesson, I have planned to hang out with my friends, I have planned to look for new cars for college, I have planned to visit and select a college to attend in the fall. Although it sounds like I have a lot on my plate (which don't get me wrong, I do), there was one thing that was telling me that I would get through it. However, not only get through it but get through it with help and in the end, peace. Although a lot of the planning I've had to do hasn't been easy or comfortable at times, I have had one thing on my side the whole time and that's God. For several weeks in a row, every time I would go to pray or look at something someone pointed me to, I would somehow come across the same exact verse, every single time. "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11. It was so weird, I have had that verse memorized forever. I can easily memorize verses but that's one that I had made a point to make sure to memorize. It's definitely a powerful one to think about. At first, I was reading a book and it was the very first verse when I opened to the first chapter. Next, it was a verse I came across while preparing the lesson for my youth group. Before I knew it, my best friend had gifted me a sign to hang on my bedroom wall with the verse on it. Literally everywhere I turned, there it was staring back at me. It hit me, hard. I had been stressing out about the college I so desperately wanted to attend and the reality that was coming of the college I needed to attend first to be able to later transfer to my dream school. I had been stressing out about the many different school activities I am involved in and how I was supposed to prioritize those and still get everything accomplished in all of them. I had been stressing out about how much my parents wanted me to get a job, but how little of time I have for one at this moment and how much I enjoy my job babysitting for the families that I do. I was stressing out about some of the situations my friends and family were/are in. However, I finally realized that it's not about me. He's got a plan and it's bigger than I could ever fathom. No matter what, God has the plan and He's going to use it, even through the stresses and struggles. I'm challenging you to give it God and believe that whatever you're going through or what your plans are, God's going to take care of you.


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