Well, I don't even really know where to start. How do you properly thank someone that has selflessly put you before themselves for almost eighteen years? That's what this sweet woman that I am blessed to call my momma has done. There are so many thank you's that I owe to her, but here's a few. Thank you for fighting for me, in more ways that I can count. Thank you for buying that prom dress that you knew we were spending too much money on, but you thought I deserved it. Thank you for reminding me to check my attitude. Thank you for passing me your love for kids. Thank you for teaching me to respect authorities. Thank you for teaching me that I deserve a man that treats me right. Thank you for also teaching me that I don't need a man to be secure, whole, or complete. Thank you for pushing me to be independent. Thank you for supporting me, even my wildest dreams. Thank you for teaching me to give back. Thank you for loving my friends as your own kids. Thank you for cooking for me, even though you burn a lot of food, especially biscuits. Thank you for helping me to pursue my future goals. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for giving me freedom. Thank you for giving me the best memories. Thank you for teaching me to not care what others think about me. Thank you for building me up when I'm down. Thank you for respecting me. Thank you for surrounding me with the best people in my life. Thank you for giving me opportunities to travel. Thank you for encouraging me. Thank you for not making me do dishes too many times. Thank you for letting me be my own person. Thank you for not comparing me to other girls. Thank you for forgiving me when I catch the oven on fire. Thank you for always making sure my car gets fixed after every time I get into an accident. Thank you for fueling my love of shoes. Thank you for always letting me get pizza, even though you think I love it too much. Thank you for making me sit and talk to you while you get ready. Thank you for teaching me to love others. Despite all the thank you's, the most important is thank you for loving me unconditionally. I can only pray to be half the woman, daughter, friend, and mom that you are. I hope I didn't make you cry too much, Momma. Love you always.

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