A Thank You to my Youth Pastor

We all have special people in our lives, whether that be a grandpa, mom, aunt, cousin, friend, or a combination of several people, we all have our favorites. Well one of my special people is my youth pastor, Trent, although he doesn't just act as my youth pastor. My youth group friends and I are continually talking about how much we love and want to be like Trent and Alyssa and how we truly not only acknowledge, but are thankful for what they do for us. Trent came into my life at a time when I needed him the very most and I haven't looked back since. There are so many things I need to thank him for, but here's the most important. Thank you for teaching me about God and His sacrifices for me. Thank you for not complaining when I text you fifty questions that I fully intend you to answer every single one and trying your best to answer at least most of them. Thank you for always reminding me that I'm enough. Thank you for letting me stay at your house until late hours of the night and not kicking me out. Thank you for letting us film random videos in your woods. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to make the best memories. Thank you for challenging me. Thank you for taking me to one of the most life changing experiences in Memphis. Thank you for fueling our obsession of chicken nuggets. Thank you for backing me up that Lauren Daigle will always be the best. Thank you for showing me the best music and letting me turn it all the way up in your office. Thank you for not yelling at us when we leave the breakfast pizza boxes in your office and make you throw them away. Thank you for your ministry through Legacy. Thank you for always reminding me of how blessed I am or in your words, "of course, you spoiled brat." Thank you for never judging me. Thank you for replying to my texts whether they be in the middle of the day or at close to midnight. Thank you for giving me advice to give to other people. Thank you for giving me advice even when I don't ask for it, never thought my youth pastor would give me prom dress advice. Thank you for introducing me to frisco melts and not hating me too much when I send you pictures of mine when I'm not with you. Thank you for teaching me the power of obedience. Thank you for accepting me. Thank you for reminding me that I'm not replaceable. Thank you for praying for me. Thank you for showing me Indiana Wesleyan. Thank you for understanding my facial expressions when I can't say something out loud. Thank you for making sure everyone knows about how my arm pops out of the socket and always trying to imitate me doing it. Thank you for sharing your testimony with me. Thank you for getting all of my best and worst moments on the GoPro. Thank you for letting us have huge fires in your yard after we rake leaves. Thank you for not letting me drive you too crazy, even though I see you almost everyday. Thank you for reminding me how weird it is when I don't see you for one day. Thank you for taking us tubing and letting us do some crazy shenanigans while we are out there. Thank you for being a kid with us. Thank you for letting me be your "intern." Thank you for protecting me. Thank you for not making fun of me too much when I do something stupid. Thank you for reminding me that my past makes me who I am today, but that God has so much ahead of me. Thank you for being honest with me. Thank you for always letting me in your house, even at some inconvenient times. Thank you for bringing new people into my life. Thank you for encouraging me to come to First Baptist. Thank you for showing me what a Godly relationship looks like. Thank you for dedicating time for me. Thank you for helping me in my walk with Christ. Thank you for accepting the broken kids, yet choosing not to focus on the broken parts. Thank you for seeing me in the worst moments, but reminding me that better moments are just around the corner. Thank you for loving me when I'm pretty unlovable. No matter how many times I say thank you, it will never be enough.


  1. This is beautiful, Faith. As a former youth leader, it is so important to know when your kids get it...as I sit here with tears streaming down my face, I am thanking God that he put Trent and Alyssa in Paris! Working with teenagers is CHALLENGING, hard, wonderful, fun, frustrating...I could go on. It takes special people to do what Trent and Alyssa are doing! Thank you for loving all the kids in Paris! FBC is so blessed to have you! Thank you Faith, for sharing this beautiful blog. Never be afraid to let people know they are loved!


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