A Letter to my Freshman Self

To freshman year Faith-
I don't even know where to start. Here's a few things that I think you're worried about right now that I want to reassure you about.
1. You have no idea of the things you are going to amaze yourself with over the next four years. However, you have to stop being so naïve and learn who your true friends are. Right now I know you are struggling a lot with finding your identity and your true friends, but I promise you'll find some great ones over the next few years. A lot of the people in your life right now will walk out, but some will surprisingly show back up later, but I promise you the ones who don't show back up, they are gone for a reason. Proverbs 3:5
2. Some of the activities you're in right now will fade, such as Student Council and being a class officer; however it's for the better. Little do you know, you will be FFA president and get to lead an awesome group of kids in FCA. Keep working hard and God will be faithful. Romans 8:28
3. I'm so proud of how nice and caring you are for others, you impact more people than you know. I'm so proud of how much of a hard worker you are and how determined you are even though you are being challenged more than ever.
4. I'm so grateful for how proud you are of your family and especially your siblings and I wish you held onto them closer over the next few years. You will continue to love them, but remember that the fight with your sister normally isn't worth it in the end.
5. I wish you didn't find your identity through a boy, your friends, the activities you are involved in, but rather through Jesus but you will be more interested and more faithful to Him in a few years. Matthew 6:33
6. Stop taking pictures of yourself in the mirror. End of story.
7. Hold onto McKinley, Ali, Johnna, Ally and Brenna. They will help you through some of the hardest times in high school.
8. Be extremely grateful for the teachers who teach you more than how to simplify like terms and how to diagram sentences. Mr. Ogle, Mr. Lynch, K-Rod and Mrs. Propst will teach you countless priceless life lessons over the next few years. You can never give them enough credit for that.
9. So many new people, not only friends, but also adults are going to be brought into your life over the next few years and they are going to be some of the best yet.
10. The best is yet to come so hold on tight and soak up every moment because it will go faster than you could ever imagine.


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