I Hope You Find Your Alyssa

This sweet lady is one of a kind in so many ways. She has done more for me than she will ever know or ever take credit for. In the year that Alyssa has been in my life, she's taught me an unbelievable amount. She has taught me that I was worthy. She has taught me that I am loved, a lot. She has taught me that sometimes you have to pray for things for a really long time and that even after a long time of praying, sometimes the answer is to wait even longer. She has sparked my interest in Bible journaling and jewelry. She has taught me how to love God more than I ever knew was possible. She has taught me how to be strong and courageous. There are so many reasons why I admire and love her. Some of the many being that I know that she genuinely wants the best for me. Alyssa's Bible journaling skills are incomparable to any other and I truly do believe that I will always think her pages are better than everyone else's. She's an amazing and patient mom. She loves so many youth group kids like her own. She doesn't get too mad when all of us youth group kids stay at her house until late hours of the night. She loves Dairy Queen, probably even a little bit more than me. She has sacrificed a lot to chase after God and His plan and that's something that should be admired not only by me, but everyone. She is the Christian woman that we should all strive to be. Lastly, she simply has one of the purest hearts of anyone I've ever met. Everyone deserves to have someone like this special lady in their lives. Please don't steal mine, but I hope you all find your Alyssa.


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