God That Saves


Over the past few weeks, I've felt extremely challenged. Although I feel challenged by God a lot, this was different. As some of you know, I visited Indiana Wesleyan University for the first time almost a year ago. There was something that told me that this was going to be my future home, even when we just pulled into the parking lot. My mom and I had made the three hour drive to visit this college that my youth pastor and his wife had told me about (where they went to college). We toured it, went to chapel, ate lunch, and talked with an admissions counselor. I knew I loved the place, however I didn't think too much of it as I was "only a junior." Well, I wish I hadn't thought about it as only being a junior, because little did I know that here I would be a year later (feels like two days) being completely challenged by God. Time went on and I truly did believe that I would end up going to college there. My parents had talked to me about other options, but nothing seemed to fulfill me as much as Indiana Wesleyan did. Even more time passed, it was October. We packed the fifteen passenger church van full of pastors, kids and parents to go visit IWU, again. I fell even more in love this time. Although I had already been accepted, I will never forget the relieving feeling that I got that day when two of my best friends who were visiting with us, too, found out that they were admitted. I was overjoyed and I felt like all of my dreams were coming true. Brenna, Johnna, and I made plans to live together or at least close when we went there. Eventually, my parents sat me down and essentially told me that I needed to strongly consider other options because of the price tag that came along with going to a private, Christian college. To be honest, I looked, but not with a very open mind. I was sure that if it was God's will for me to go to Indiana Wesleyan, that He would provide the way. I eventually settled on going to Lakeland Community College. I would room with my best friend, Johnna and be able to go there and get in less debt and would plan to transfer to IWU after two years. However, I knew God was still calling me to go to IWU and although I was starting to accept the idea of Lakeland, I wasn't fulfilled with the decision. A few weeks ago, my youth pastor and I discovered this song that truly spoke to my heart. I had been broken, frustrated, and impatient but ultimately, I needed to be leaning on God, who no matter what, saves us from all of our times of misunderstanding. The night after hearing this song, my parents sat me down on a Saturday night and told me that they wanted me to know that if I truly wanted to go to Indiana Wesleyan and was willing to work for it, they would support me. Now don't get me wrong, this doesn't mean my parents are going to be able to fully pay for me to go there. This means I have filled out over twenty scholarships in the past two weeks and I will still have to get out some loans. However, I am content. I know that I'm doing what God wants me to and that He will provide the way. Philippians 4:19. I know that I am going to be able to go to my dream school and pursue the major and minor that I have wanted to and He will take care of the rest. This has been one of the hardest decisions ever. I have had to think about being farther away from my family (but especially my nine year old brother who is still growing like a weed; even though he thinks otherwise, I will miss that kid more than ever next year). I've had to think about being farther away from some of my friends. I've had to think about instead of being four hours away from one of my college best friends, being six hours away from her. I've had to think about the loans I will have to take out. I've had to think about the different atmosphere the two different colleges have. However, I wouldn't change it; I know Indiana Wesleyan gives me that indescribable home away from home feeling. Although I don't know what my future holds, I do know who holds my future. So whatever you are going through, whether it be bitterness, frustration, sadness, brokenness, or anything else, we've got a God that saves and He can rescue us from all of our problems.


  1. You are an amazing woman, Faith. Best of luck to you,

  2. Wishing you all the best, Faith! You can make it happen!

    1. Thank you, Susan! Truly thankful for those people that really do believe in me, like you.


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