Things You Will Hear If You Go to A Christian College

As some of you know, this fall I plan to attend Indiana Wesleyan University which a Christian, private college. I've gotten a lot of questions and comments from a variety of people on this decision of mine, so I thought I would share a little bit about them and my thoughts..

1. "Do boys even go there?" or "Is it an all girls school?"
Actually yes, boys do go there and actually no, it is not an all girls school. I don't know why the concept of a Christian co-ed school is a weird concept to people, but I've gotten these questions more times than I ever thought I would.

2. "That's too churchy for me."
First of all, I really despise this term. There are so many more words to describe the church or my college than churchy, such as amazing, beautiful, Christ centered.. Next, the term churchy is defined as "adhering strictly to the prescribed form in ecclesiastical matters." I don't like this term because of it's definition because in no way do I feel restricted by going to this college, I willingly picked it.

3. "Where are you going to party?"
Well I think this one is pretty self explanatory. There are still parties, maybe just not the kind that most other college students go to.

4. "So you can't have boys in your dorm anytime you want?"
Oh my goodness I know it's crazy but no.

5. "Don't you have to go to church like several times a week?"
Actually, I get to go to chapel three times a week and church on Sunday and I won't even have to miss class for it. As this is something I am making a priority in my life, I don't think about it in the terms of "I have to."

6. "That's awesome!"
Thank you, I know. I love it and I think so too, thank you to these people for supporting me and my crazy dreams! It's nice to hear these refreshing words after sometimes wondering why people question this aspect of my life that I am so sure about. 

So yes, I am willingly choosing to go to a Christian college. I love the campus, I love the people, I love the atmosphere. I can't wait to see the amazing opportunities that come with going to Indiana Wesleyan.


  1. So proud of you, Johnna and Breanna, Life is much easier when you have your faith, I want to is so much better than I have to, and I am sure that there will some temptations but you will have him helping guide you. I pray that more people can find their way with God because he is awesome if they just let him in.


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