Things Only PHS Students Understand

There are so many weird and different things about our school and as my time in high school winds down, I can't help but to be so excited to be out of high school, however I think I may miss this place just a little more than I would like to admit.

1. Old school vs. new school
There are an endless amount of differences between the smelly old high school and the brand new prairie side high school. There are things that I miss about the old school, one of them not being the fifty million stairs (maybe slightly exaggerated) you had to venture through to get all the way from Mrs. Seaton's room to Mrs. Phegley's room in just four minutes; however I'm not sure it's any easier to go to Mr. Bennett's room all the way from Mr. Lynch's room now, either. Rules were different at the old school and everyone was a little more relaxed, however the new school brings abundant opportunities, if they can get the internet to work properly.

2. Parking violations
How dare you park where those lines are and sometimes not even where the lines are?! If you park where the administration says you're not supposed to, you will be called down to the office whether they find you during first hour or seventh hour, and as if you don't know where you parked, you will even be getting a picture of your car where you parked and be asked to move.

3. MayFete
If you have any out of town relatives or really if you know anyone who lives more than thirty minutes away from our small town, you've probably had to try to explain the tradition of MayFete in our town. After having to try to explain this tradition to my Michigan family, I'm not sure if I've ever explained it in the same way or even accomplished describing it for them to fully understand.. you just need to see it to understand it.

4. Mrs. Propst
God bless the sweet lady who has loved all of us unconditionally throughout high school. I and so many other students, would not have made it throughout high school without her sweet stories, indescribable support, endless hours spent at the school, and pure love that she has for every single one of her students. She is an angel walking on this earth and a person that I will forever aspire to be like. If you don't have a Mrs. Propst in your life, you're missing out but I'm sure that you will never find someone sweeter and more genuine than her.

5. Stallings tradition
If you've ever had Mr. Stallings in class, you've surely heard the "Stallings tradition: No cheating. If you have any questions, see me in my office. The door is always open. May the force be with you, forcefully of course. Good luck." It's something I will never forget. Also, how could one forget about "please sit down until the bell rings.. 1,2,1,2"

6. Drinks
Don't you dare bring a drink into the school. You will be the luckiest person I know if you make it past the two to five teachers standing only 50 feet inside the building who will gladly dump your drink for you.

7. "Teachers are either your worst enemies or your best friends."
This quote came from one of my best friends and couldn't be any more accurate. If you show a little too much PDA and get sprayed with a water bottle, then the teachers may be your worst enemy. However, even though most everyone dislikes the homework, if you respect the teachers, I promise you that you will see how much they care about us and they will give you respect back. Some of the teachers at the high school have guided me through some of the hardest years of my life, which easily turned these years into some of the most memorable and enjoyable years at the same time.

8. Teachers are underpaid.
For all of the troubles they take on and how much dedication they put in, teachers are underpaid and even the students can see it. So many of our teachers live at the school, putting in endless hours to make sure their students have the best experience and that school is a place that they can feel safe and like they are wanted. For willing being with sometimes bratty teenagers all day, they deserve the world.

9. Our theatre is like none other.
The transformation from what we used to call the "stage" at the old high school which consisted of a old, creeky platform that the drama parents would set up the week before the musical to the absolutely amazing fine arts center we have now is astounding. People from all surrounding areas are amazed by the new things we can do in our theatre and the things I learned in my theatre one class are ones I will never forget because of our community giving us the theatre we now have.

10. The greenhouse
Our greenhouse that came with the new school is one of a kind. There aren't many schools who get to say they have the kind of greenhouse we have and that is because the generous donors in our community who believe in the future of agriculture. Students in the agriculture education department learn new things and can even make money for our FFA chapter from their plant sale! Go check it out next week, they've got so many plants to sell you!!

11. Involvement
There is a sport, club, or organization for everyone at our school. Whether you love community service or like to read books, there is a club for you or maybe even twelve. We have every club under the sun so find what you are interested in and get involved!

12. The Pack
Our student section is something we are known for. Our student section is easily the most spirited around from the fun dress up nights to just sporting orange and black, The Pack is existent at every game (whether home or two hours away) giving the players encouragement and making sure that other schools know who is in charge. The Pack has given me so many memorable times throughout the past four years and is something I will miss the most about this school.

PHS, you've given me some of the worst but some of the best times the past four years. Thanks for pushing me along the way and making sure the past four years have been the most memorable so far!


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