A Letter to My Future Self

To my future self,
There are a multitude of hopes and prayers I have for you, however here's a few.
1. I hope you have chased your wildest hopes and dreams. Although you plan on pursuing psychology and youth ministries right now, I hope that wherever God has led you that you are content and have chased after that calling. Hebrews 13:5
2. I hope you aren't such a worrier; I hope you're more of a warrior. I hope that you have learned to give your cares to God and to fully rely on Him to take care of you. 1 Peter 5:7
3. I hope you are still blogging or even writing on a higher level. Don't ever give up your hobbies.
4. I hope you have new friends who maybe share your same love for coffee, kids, and Jesus, but I hope you've held your old friends closely, too.
5. I hope you aren't materialistic and are more interested in the more important aspects of life. Rather than what car you have and how much money you make, I hope you are more focused on serving Him and being fulfilled through His blessings.
6. I hope you've taken care of yourself. I hope you still make goals and try to always be a better version of yourself. I hope you still look to others for help and create role models for yourself.
7. I hope you visit your family, often. I hope you spend as much time with your parents, siblings, and even extended family as you can as they have valuable lessons to teach you and love you very much.
8. I hope you get the opportunity to travel and go on so many adventures. I hope you get to explore God's creation in so many different ways.
9. I hope you give back. Give back to those who helped you get where you are, always.
10. I hope you never forget where you came from, but never forget where you are going. Keep worshiping Him in all seasons of life.


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