Sharing Is Caring

Sharing is caring. You are probably thinking how cliche this sounds because we hear this phrase from the time we can even begin to comprehend what sharing actually is. Although I've experienced sharing in so many ways throughout life, there's one way of sharing that has truly impacted me in the most indescribable way. Last night, we started a new series at my youth group. Recently, we've been doing a lot of video series which are awesome and can teach a lot of different lessons, however I personally like listening to people live more. I feel like the emotion that fills them when they are with you and passionately teaching you about something that we all love so much is just something amazing. We started this series of sharing our stories or testimonies in order to better connect with each other, as connected is our annual theme for this year. This is honestly probably already my favorite series we've ever done so far and it just started. Last night our youth pastor shared his story and how God has changed Him and has worked incredible works in his life. I had heard most of his story before, however I think you can learn more and more from someone every time they share their story. I love hearing other people's testimonies and I love sharing mine with others, too. I actually just had the opportunity to share mine with one of my new friends last night and there's just something special that God does when you share how He has worked in your life. It's awesome to hear the connections that you actually have with people when they share and without that willingness to share, you would never know the similarities you have with that person. One of the most frustrating things about this kind of sharing though is how some people are scared to be vulnerable and open with others on how God has worked in their lives. However, I've been there. At first, I was so scared and imitated to share with others about God's love for me and them. However, I quickly realized after sharing with others a few times that people love hearing your story and God can work through that. One of the easiest ways to share God's love with someone is just to tell them your story and how He has worked through your struggles and obstacles in life. It's hard to willing show that side of you to someone and especially to those who you aren't specifically close with; however sharing your story with someone can change their life and let them see a different side of things because maybe you are the one person they can connect with and see that God work in their life, too. His love is not ours to keep to ourselves. I challenge you to go share your testimony with someone this week, it may be hard but I promise you that it will be worth it in the end. Sharing is caring.


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