Waiting Time

Something that has become so hard for people, but Americans especially, is waiting. We are so quick to become impatient. I'm guilty. I don't know about anyone else, but most of my life is spent running from one place to another. I run out of the house in the morning to take my siblings to school, lead some club meeting at the school, hurry through the McDonald's drive thru to get coffee so I can get to the church on time. I've only been up for two hours and I've normally already become impatient. Sometimes it's because I think someone is taking too long to get the point across; while other times I've been sitting in the McDonald's drive thru for fifteen minutes wondering why everyone had to come at the same time as me or why it is taking them so long when all I ordered was an iced coffee. I'm constantly catching myself becoming impatient and not wanting to wait for specific things. Although we all become impatient on a daily basis with a variety of small things, what does this mean when we have to wait for important, big things? Paul tells us in Galatians 6:9 "So let us not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up." Although the entire verse is powerful, the key words for me are, at just the right time. This means that we must wait for it to be in His timing, not in our timing. Recently, I've been struggling with waiting and not waiting for petty things, but big things that I want to see God move in and do. However, I know I'm not the only one who has or is struggling with this. I've had friends text me wondering why isn't this or that happening now. It's so easy to get frustrated and impatient but we have to understand that although it's not in our timing, we can't just give up. Just like it says in Galatians, we will only reap the harvest of blessings, if we don't give up. Just like how farmers don't receive the immediate harvest, they have to wait not only days and weeks but months to reap the blessings of their harvest. If they were to harvest the plants before they were ready, the blessings definitely wouldn't amount to if they would've just been patient and waited for the end. If we give up before God is done working and making it perfect, we will miss out on the ultimate blessings at the harvest. Although it's hard and frustrating, keep waiting. God knows what He's doing and He's going to make it better than you could ever plan.


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