Good Things

Jealousy, it's something we all deal with. Whether we are the ones who are jealous of someone else or we are the ones people are jealous of, we've all had our fair share of experiences with jealousy. It's so easy for our eyes to become peeled and for our hearts to become bitter at someone else's new car, promotion at work, needs being met, or just even in the smaller ways that God is providing for them. It's easy to stalk someone's social media and see all of the happy moments in their life: their perfect wedding day, too cute to be real kiddos, adorable animals, custom built new home, and on and on it goes. It seems as if they have the picture perfect life. Although their life seems picture perfect, I promise you it's not. We are all guilty of not only seeking out other's perfect moments, but also posting our own. No one posts a picture of the hard relationship moments, screaming baby, or how many long hours they worked in order to be able to buy that house. Although it's not always easy to remember these things when your life seems to be coming down on you and everyone surrounding you seems to have it altogether, however the fact is we're all working to do the best we can. God blesses us all in different ways and at different times. Remember that the blessings that you're taking for granted, might just be the blessings that someone else is praying for. He fills my life with good things. Psalm 103:5


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