Impossible Things

Sometimes I have to take a minute to sit back and actually realize what is going on around me. This weekend was one of those times. Almost a year ago to the day, I visited Indiana Wesleyan University for the first time. From the moment I stepped out of the car, I knew it was my future home. I loved the campus, but only being a junior I didn't take it too seriously. In October, I went on another visit with some other teenagers from my youth group and our youth pastor for another tour. It was becoming more and more real and I was loving the campus more and more, too. However, after that tour reality hit me in the face. My parents sat me down to tell me that community college would probably be a better option and then I could transfer to IWU. I wasn't content with that answer; in fact I was disappointed, bitter, and frustrated. My parents thought it was impossible for me to be able to go to IWU. There we were, just five months later. So much has happened over the past five months. Sometimes I've begged and wanted to scream at God when I was impatient and not getting the answers I wanted. However this past five months has also been filled with the utmost joy and seeing my prayers being answered left and right. This weekend, I attended IWU's admitted student weekend. If you would've told me this five months ago, I would've laughed; not because I didn't want to go, but because I had lost faith and thought there was no way. This weekend I met new people, stayed the night in a dorm, registered for my fall semester classes, and worshipped God with 500 of my future classmates. This morning at the worship service, they sang Unstoppable God by Elevation Worship. I already loved the song, however God can work in different ways when you are surrounded by the powerful voices of over 500 people worshipping God with you. The song proclaims "Unstoppable God, Let Your glory go on and on. Impossible things, in Your name they shall be done." I got chills. Just five short months ago, we thought the idea of me attending Indiana Wesleyan was an impossible thing. However, with faith and God's good, pleasing, and perfect will (Romans 12:2), I got to stand in the chapel this morning singing that with God's will and in His name, impossible things shall be done.


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