Giving Heart

Normally when we think about learning from people, it's normally from people who are older than us. Whether it be teachers in school, pastors in church, parents at home, or grandparents in our lives; they can all teach us something. However, recently I've learned quite a bit from someone who is actually younger than me. Although this isn't the first time that this has happened for me, it's someone who I always thought I would teach and challenge, not the other way around. My brother is eight years younger than me. Although we have our moments, we've always gotten along pretty well. Our age difference is one of the main reasons that I believe has to due with why we bond so well. The other day my two best friends that I normally walk with were busy so I asked my brother to go on a walk with me. While expecting to get a no, to my pleasant surprise I actually got a yes. I use an app called Charity Miles to track the distance that I walk and the app has sponsors that will sponsor you while walking and they will give money to the charity of your choice. At the end of the walk, the app showed we had walked a little over a mile. However, I could've endured many more miles if I would've known the topics I would be challenged with. Among the many topics on our walk was not only my future, but also his. Carter was asking me a variety of questions about college and while I love answering them, I quickly realized I didn't really know what he was interested in doing in the future. Although he's only nine, I was still interested in what he had thought about. He went on talking about how he didn't really know what he wanted to do when he "grew up," also adding that he wanted to make a good amount of money. As I tried to explain that money isn't all that matters and that we must have a job we enjoy and one that we feel God has led us to, he quickly stopped me. He stated "I know, Faith." (This may or may not be the first time he's heard these words from me.) He went on the add, "I want to make good money in order to help people." I quickly became speechless, which if you know me, you know that this is a rare occasion for me. He went on to explain that he wanted to help kids who were in need and homeless people. How extremely humbling. I don't know many high schoolers who can say they want to make "good money" in order to spend it helping people, let alone many nine year olds who are thinking that. That day will forever go down as one of my proudest sister moments. I encourage you all to go out and help others. We are more blessed than we know and we need to not only be thankful for that, but also use that to help others, too. Galatians 6:2


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