Introducing: Nikayla

Four (what seems like short, but also long at the same time) years ago, I met this vibrant, encouraging, loving girl. Little did I know how close the organization that we both were so passion about would bring us. We experienced spending a miserable amount of hours in our blue corduroy jackets. We experienced being taught at LTS. We experienced being in charge of LTS. We experienced high school issues. We experienced meeting new people and each other's friends for the first time. However, it was all tolerable because we experienced it together and we've made the best memories throughout the past four years together. From being scared of everyone and not having each other's numbers as little freshmen to now being in charge of different FFA events and texting each other almost daily as seniors, I have loved every minute of being Nikayla's friend. I remember being a freshman and being so very excited when I saw Nikayla at an FFA event as she was a familiar face and we had bonded ever since the day we met. Now I get to see her not only at FFA events but she has also become a part of our friend group and sometimes gets to be a part of our shenanigans. Although we've competed against each other in FFA events, I don't think we've ever looked at it that way. A few months ago, our teams competed against each other in the Parliamentary Procedures Career Development Event (CDE). Although our teams placed against each other, I still have the text message she sent me after the competition saying how happy she was that I got 1st in my division and that she got 1st in hers. I cherish Nikayla and I's friendship, because it's built exactly like this, never bringing each other down and always pushing and encouraging each other. Sure, we may not agree on everything but we still stand up for and support each other. Although Nikayla and I are quite the dynamic duo, we've also been told that we not only are like twins because of how much we act alike, but have also been mistaken for being each other at an FFA event. Ever since, we knew that God put us in each other's life for a reason and ever since, we've been quite the pair of "twins." Although I could go on and on about the things I love about Nikayla, I'll end it by saying how much I love that no matter how long we are together, we find something (sometimes the dumbest thing) to laugh about. I love her hardworking and outgoing spirit. I love her encouraging words and that no matter how long we go without seeing each other, it seems like nothing ever happened and we pick up right where we left off.


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