Answered Prayers

This is probably the most open and vulnerable post I've made on this blog, but it's on my heart and I've been so blessed these past few weeks that I need to share! A few months ago I brought my sister with me to our youth group, Legacy. I had felt God really pushing me to encourage her to come and to do anything I could to get her there. If you know my sister, you know that we are extremely different. I am outgoing, she is not. I am one of the clumsiest people alive and she is the athletic star of our family. Although we are different, we share a love for many things as well, one of them now being Jesus. After attending Legacy, she expressed an interest in being saved and God gave me the life changing and eye opening experience to lead my sister to Christ. I will never forget that day as we were sitting in my car and there are very few times where I have felt the presence of God more than that day. I was shocked. Why did God chose me? Although I'm still not sure, I'm so grateful He did. Well as the weeks went on my sister kept coming with me and kept showing more and more interest. Two Sundays ago, another unforgettable moment occurred. I got to sit next to my parents in church as they decided to come to church with my sister and I and those of you who know how long I've prayed for this, you know how incredibly amazing that feeling was for me. This past Sunday my parents drove separately from my sister and I to church, as my sister and I go pick up our friend before church. After church I took both of my siblings home with me and on the way home my sister was really questioning me about being baptized. After much prayer and our awesome youth pastor agreeing to baptize her, my sister made the decision to be baptized this upcoming Sunday during our youth Sunday program. This is another moment that I've been praying for, for what seems like forever. Although I get easily frustrated and impatient, our God is good and He always provides. Luke 12:31


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