People that Feel Like Home

We all have those people in our life that feel like home, those people that we go to lean on in the hard times and the people we tell first when we have a celebratory moment. These people are sacred, so special, but often taken for granted. Something that I've recently been challenged with is finding the adequate amount of time to really stop and thank the people in my life that feel like home and have created safe places for me. Throughout the month of February, there were so many moments when I have felt God's presence the most through other people. I think this is such a special way that God reveals Himself and allows us to know Him more. Some of the moments that I documented experiencing the presence of God the most were..

-provision from God through friends, family, and even finances
-sitting in my bed at home at 1am crying with my mom (although this seems like something most wouldn't share, I know that Christ sometimes seems the most present in our pain and hurting)
-sitting in my living room with both of my parents and hearing them both laugh
-a car ride with one of my mentors at school while she asked me questions that made me ponder hard life situations
-Pastor Steve DeNeff's sermon at CWC about forgiveness
-extension of grace, love, and support from so many of my friends and family in so many different ways
-Pastor Troy's message at FBC on loving God with our hearts and our heads
-quality friendship time with Johnna who continually shows up and deeply cares for me in ways that I will never understand how she knows I need cared for in those ways
-the Linder's opening up their home to me on a late night just so I could have a safe and quiet place to do homework
-my boss at the chapel office doing spiritual direction with me. Not many people have cared for my soul as well as she has.
-a weekend away with my RA staff spent adventuring, laughing, and refueling for the rest of the semester
-an answered prayer about my future job
-productive nights doing homework that God used to clearly remind me of why I'm pursuing ministry

I encourage you to find the people who feel like home to you and who the Lord uses to reveal Himself to you through. Remember to thank these people, even if they may never understand why you are thanking them.


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