Beauty from Ashes

I often think about blogging, however haven't made the time to recently which is why my last blog was posted in July. I also took some intentional time away from blogging as I started to put pressure on myself to write a blog so often and it felt like it became a task and not something I really enjoyed. Now that I'm back, I really am enjoying it and have so much to say. This past semester, I have experienced so many life changes and have learned so many lessons from the Lord, especially through other people.

One of the most important things I've learned this semester is the importance of self care. At the beginning of August, I was diagnosed with clinical anxiety. It became very clear to me that at school I would need to make self care a top priority in order to stay engaged in everyday life and to continue to excel in all of my classes. Honestly, at first I struggled. I had this image in my mind of what self care had to be. Once I released that thought of having to match what everyone else did for self care, I began to realize what exactly it was that I personally needed and how beneficial these care tactics would be when I was doing what was best for me. This has been extremely helpful, especially for all of the other lessons I've learned during this season of life and I think self care will be so crucially important when I enter into the field of ministry.

Another hard lesson that I've been tested on and am still learning is the most popular and loved fruit of the Spirit (haha just kidding), patience. I have always struggled with patience, but not particularly in the way I've been tested with it this semester. I've always had road rage if people weren't driving what I thought was fast enough or if too many people decided to go grocery shopping at the same time that I did, but this semester it's been so different. I've always been a planner (I mean to the point of trying to plan out years in advance), however this semester I've really been challenged by God and by other people to let go of the need to have control and just be in the present. I've learned that I just need to be content with waiting in the moment where I'm at and being patient to let the future come when it will.

Another thing that the Lord has continually showed me through my time at IWU is His provision. One of the biggest worries of coming to IWU was how I would financially be able to stay here for the duration of the time it would take me to get my degrees; however time and time again I have been blown away and shocked at how (sometimes at the last moment), there is provision. Not only have I experienced financial provision, but I've continually had people pouring into me from close by and from afar. Mentors have been a great source of provision for me during my time at IWU. There are so many ways that I could go on about in this section, but just know: the Lord is good - way more than we will ever deserve.

Three things that I've learned the power of that go together these past few months are redemption, the restoration of relationships and the extension of grace. So many times in relationships, it can seem easy to give up. But so many times, that's not where God is leading us to. I have experienced extreme redemption through hardships this semester, especially through relationships with other people and by extending grace to them and having grace extended to me. God takes ashes and makes them beautiful. {Isaiah 61:3}

Through the difficulties and lessons of the year, something that I've gained here at the end is having a peace that surpasses understanding. Although I've let go of that need to have control and still working on my patience, I've had this peace that I don't understand. I've had indescribable peace in making decisions I never wanted to have to make throughout these past few months. I'm just thankful I know the Source of peace.

All in all, God is much bigger than we could ever imagine yet somehow still so personal. He has so many lessons for us to learn and wants to walk with us through everyone. Cling to Him friends, He wants to make beauty out of your ashes.


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