
As my birthday approaches later this week and I reflect on the past year of life, the one word that seems to reappear is the concept of growth. I have grown in so many ways this past year. I've grown through moving to Indiana Wesleyan University, quickly switching my major once I got there, learning how to live effectively with someone from another culture, finding a home church in Marion, and through figuring out all of the ins and outs of college life. I've grown in my self-awareness and knowing when I just need to be still and take a moment away from people, something that I would have never done for myself a year ago. I have grown in knowing what I want vs. what is best for me, such as feeling so much freedom from shutting off all notifications from social media. (If you haven't done this, I encourage anyone to do it!!) I've grown through hardships in my family life, having to learn to extend more grace than I wanted and learning to be extra patient (which is definitely not my most gifted fruit of the spirit). I've grown through making new friends at school and having to decide which friendships I wanted to continue to seek out while being far away. This year has been a constant season of growth and new adventures. Most of it has been exciting, new and sometimes even spontaneous, however some parts have been draining, disappointing, and just simply hard. I feel like in our culture, growth is often this sought after thing that people want to pursue with hopeful intentions, however some people don't want to mention that there are also difficult, stretching and unprepared parts of the journey. However, I am so grateful I've had people to encourage, love and pray for me through those rough spots. In addition, often people don't want to reach out or seek others but I would encourage everyone to find their people, tribe, group or whatever you want to call them and be so thankful for them! As I'm looking into this next year of life, I'm so excited for the joy, laughter, continued growth (and pink sprinkle cupcakes) that this next year holds.

Grow through what you go through. 


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