It's been almost two months since I've updated my blog, but this break was much needed and will probably continue for awhile longer as I continue to gather my thoughts on certain topics that I plan to write about in the future and as I continue to seek more of God's plans for the next few months of life. However, until then I wanted to give you an overview of my life lately, a few things I've been learning, answering some questions you may be wondering about, and updating you on some important people in my life!

First of all, these past few months have been filled with so many different events, activities, and so on; however overall these past few months have been a growing season. I have been learning so much about so many different things that I didn't even know I needed to learn (isn't that the best though?!). At the beginning of the year I challenged myself to go a whole year of no pop, soda, whatever you prefer to call it. Although this was a choice that impacts my health (in a positive aspect, yay!), I actually made this decision to teach myself how to have a better grasp on self-control. At first it was very challenging, but now I'm beginning to appreciate the benefits of it and seeing how my ability to have self-control over other aspects of my life is continually increasing. For lent, I gave up Instagram and Twitter as I feel social media is one thing I waste a lot of time on. Although there are benefits to social media, I needed a break from it and just like pop, it was hard at first but I have found much rest and relief from this much needed break. Through having a little more time, I have been able to really read and comprehend the Bible more (I'm almost done with reading the New Testament all the way through for the second time!). In addition to this, I feel as if I've really been able to be more present in my relationships with people, especially at meal times. Being more intentional with my time is something I'm still learning a lot about, however with the help of a mentor (thank God for the Linder's, they are such a blessing to me and are definitely high quality humans). I believe I'm getting better and better at it. I'm a recovering "yes" person and sometimes the hardest obstacle for me is learning to say no, but more so knowing that I'm doing it with a purpose. Throughout this season of lent, I've also had more time to read on my Sabbath each week, spend more time just in stillness and being able to collect my thoughts, and I've called my Mom more (she's the best! Love you, Mom).

School at Indiana Wesleyan is going really well and I know I've had a lot of people questioning how it's going and although this semester has definitely been full of more challenges than last, overall I've been able to learn more about diversity, releasing the need to have control, patience (still working on this.. this is such a hard discipline for me. Yikes!) myself, and most importantly, about God and what He desires. This semester I've been able to grow closer to a few of the girls in my Kern co-hort which is the accelerated ministry program I'm in so I can attain my Bachelor's in three years and then work on my Master's for two years after that. It's crazy to think I will be classified as a junior in the fall! The girls in my co-hort are phenomenal friends, but really just phenomenal people in general and they have been so uplifting to me. In addition to this, I found out about a month ago that I received an RA position in the residence hall that I currently live in. I'm super excited for this opportunity and I plan to room with my friend, Heather. Here's a picture of us!

Another question I've been asked lately is if I'm still dating Sean and the answer is yes! Long distance  dating is so hard sometimes, however I'm thankful for a few of my friends here who share the same challenges and empathize with me. Plus, Sean constantly reminds me why it's so worth it and I'm so thankful that he is committed to having a long distance relationship filled with lots of FaceTime dates and sweet reunions when I go home. Hopefully he is coming to visit me soon which is so exciting, too! Here is a picture of us back in January in Michigan and then one when we were celebrating his birthday in February with my favorite dessert (Thousand Leaves from Andrew's in good!) 


I also miss my bestie, Johnna as she transferred schools in December and I now have a new roommate, however this just means more girl's days when I'm home and sweet reminders of endless friendship that withhold the obstacles of chaos, busyness, and distance of life in this season of life. She reminds me a lot of God's love for me because she really has seen me in the good, the bad and the ugly, yet her love still remains. Our friendship has withstood family troubles, school transfers and crazy amounts of homework, different seasons of life, and a lot of other trials that life has thrown at us but that's what true friends do: grab your hand a little tighter during those tough seasons, push and pray through it, and laugh on the other side of it when the more joyful times come. Thanks for being a true best friend, Johnna. I will "owe you one or two," the rest of my life. Until I repay you, keep enjoying those crazy videos of me attempting to heel click.

On a littler note as I attempt to end this extended life update, it snowed this morning in Marion and I got to wear my favorite sweater, in the middle of March. It was so crazy, but I'm cherishing every moment before the weather gets too hot. I got to have a sibling date with my siblings while I was home over spring break and it was probably one of the best nights of this year so far. Hanging out with your siblings is much more fun when you aren't around them all of the time and when your little brother asks you to go on a drive because he knows that you love to go on drives and jam. I also got to see my sweet babysitting kiddos and celebrate Norah Jean's second birthday, which is always a highlight of being home. Along with this, going to my home church is definitely something I cherish about going home. I'm also super blessed to have found a church here in Marion that I love with people who genuinely care about me. That's the best feeling in the world so I can't give God enough praise for that! I'm still in love with sunsets and take pictures and cherish them every time I can. I have gotten to explore so many cool places this semester whether being in Marion or the surrounding areas or even just different places when I go home or going to visit friends that go to other colleges. Having the freedom to travel is so fun and something I look forward to doing the rest of my life. 
I'm so blessed, my friends. 


I have made you. I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you! Isaiah 46:4


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