Sit Down

Have you ever been going through a season of life where instead of you doing life, you feel like life is taking you for a spin? If not, you should be extremely thankful, but if you have, you know the very feeling I've felt during this past month. Although these past five months at college have been full of learning experiences and spiritual growth, so much has changed in my life this past month making it definitely a time for even more learning experiences and dependence on the Lord. I have been thinking these past few days about how quickly but also slowly this month has went by.. I feel as if I live this routine life.. I get up an hour and a half before my class, get ready and sometimes grab a yogurt for breakfast (I'm not sure where this terrible habit of not eating breakfast has come from), go to my classes, grab lunch or coffee with some friends or a professor, get some of my homework done before I go back to my dorm to drop my backpack and throw my hair into a bun before heading to work. By the time I hit the pillow, I reflect on my day and it feels like day after day just slips by. I've come to the realization that most of our society lives like this, but why do we choose to live life in exhaustion, busyness and rush? I'm not saying there aren't or shouldn't be busy seasons of life, however sometimes we just need to take time to sit down, be present, enjoy the many blessings around us and take in the Lord's presence. As I said above, so much in life has changed as I came back to school this semester. I received a new roommate who is teaching me so much, I'm away from my best friend and boyfriend, I got a new job, I'm taking (too) many credit hours, I'm volunteering at a local youth group, and making plans for this summer and even for next school year. However if anything has remained constant, it's the Lord, His faithfulness, His Sovereignty and the pure rest, peace and joy He provides. I find it so amazing that no matter how many times we go to the Lord and ask for help or even tell Him how thankful we are, He never gets tired of hearing from us. We can rest assured knowing that He will provide the strength for us to get through the busy seasons, but that He also wants us to find comfort and rest in Him.

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. Isaiah 40:28 


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