
It's been a little over two months since I've been at Indiana Wesleyan and I have so many words to describe these past two months, but the first one that comes to mind is sustained. College is so rewarding in the many friends I've been able to make, in the people I've been able to pour into, in the relationships with new mentors that I have who are pouring into me, in the good way it has changed my relationship with my parents, in being able to learn more about what I have been called to do for the rest of my life. However, in the same moment, college is demanding, so demanding. It's demanding in the way that you have to be so intentional with the people you make relationships with, in the workload from classes, in managing your time, in the constant opportunities to get involved, in the way that you alone are responsible for how much sleep you get (still desperately trying to figure this one out). I've learned an incredible amount already from the rewards and demands of college. I've grown immensely deeper in my personal relationship with God, in so many aspects. I've learned to be content in the seasons of waiting. I've learned that everyone is so right when they tell you that your relationships with people at home will change, sometimes in good ways, but sometimes in bad ways, too. I've learned that in order to be wholeheartedly pursuing the Lord, we must exhale our own desires and inhale His. I've learned how freeing forgiveness is and how critically important it is to be present in every moment. However, the most important thing I've learned is when you depend solely on God, He provides. Last week, I received the smallest amount of sleep so far and after a long night of writing a paper and an early morning getting up to study, I mumbled a little prayer in my tiredness and literally just said "God, you are THE only way I will make it through this day, please give me endurance and sustain me with Your strength." I didn't think too much of it until after I walked out of my exam and my eyes didn't feel heavy or tired and at the end of the day after running on four hours of sleep and not going back to my dorm until midnight, I hadn't taken a nap and I didn't feel the dire need to go to bed. Throughout the busyness of the past few months, God is teaching me to slow down and be thankful for every little gift He gives us. He sustains me through the exhausting busyness of life and for that, I am so thankful. "Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me." Psalm 54:4


In addition to the ways above that God is working in my life, I have gotten involved on campus in a ministry called God on the Green and I have received the position of community groups director which means I am leading my own community group and equipping others to do so as well. We are in the process of making this ministry, a university-recognized organization, which is also exciting. In even bigger news, I found out last week I have been accepted into the Kern ministry program which will equip me with a Bachelors and Masters degree in five years with a residency at a church, too. I am excited to grow in my relationships with the other ministry majors in my co-hort and learn more about God's calling for my life. Please continue to pray for me to find a church home here, along with the many opportunities I have to have a job next summer. 


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