
belong: be the property of, be a member or part of

Lately I've been caught up in the busyness of life. Between moving three hours away in less than two months, babysitting a few days a week, switching bedrooms at my house, spending as much time with friends and family as I can, housesitting, being away from home for a week, preparing for another upcoming week away from home and just the constant grind of daily life, I feel like I haven't had much time for myself and especially to keep up with this blog. I know it's a terrible excuse because really I could make the time if I truly desired to but honestly lately I haven't felt like expressing anything that's going on in my life. However, recently this word has consistently started appearing in my daily thoughts. As some of you may know, I went to see my favorite band, Iron Bell Music (if you haven't heard of them, which you probably haven't, you should definitely check them out!!) in concert about a month ago. One of their songs is called Belong To You. Anymore in this world, it's so hard to figure out where we belong. We feel the constant pulls of life dragging us from one thing to another, leaving us with barely any time to sit back and think sometimes. It's difficult to figure out where we belong, to whom we belong, in what group we belong, yet this world is very demanding in its way of telling us we have to fit in somewhere. Lately, I've struggled with doubting God's plan and His will, however this song reminds me that He is greater. He is greater than it all, every thing, every situation and every person in this world. No thing or voice in this world gets to define us, because He places us and puts us right where He wants us. He defines us with His mighty voice that declares that we are enough through Him. The enemy can't take what we have in Him because we are His people and we belong to Him.

You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. 1 John 4:4


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