To My Mom on Mother's Day

Momma, first of all, I'm not sure why there is only one day of the year that celebrates moms, because I think you are worth celebrating every day. There are so many things that I admire about you. Your sacrifices, dedication, and undying support to your three children are simply astounding. There are an endless amount of thank you's that I owe to you. Thank you for feeding us, but not only feeding us but letting us have the last of the fried potatoes, even if they are your favorite. Thank you for sharing your love for kids with us and teaching us so many life lessons through your passion and dedication for your job and the things you do. Thank you for not leaving us, even when you do get a little tired of us. Thank you for answering our ridiculous amount of questions. Thank you for knowing your weaknesses and letting us know when you can't help us. Thank you for expanding our knowledge, and I'm not talking about English and math. Thank you for understanding when we want to hang out with our friends. Thank you for not getting too upset when we would rather take a nap than go to the grocery store with you. (I'm sorry for doing that today.) Thank you for showing us that hard work pays off. Thank you for helping us learn who to trust and who to not trust, even if we don't listen to you at first. Thank you for giving us money, even if you did just give us money yesterday. Thank you for sacrificing the things you want to do when we need you to be with us. Thank you for teaching us that our days will go a lot better if we just make our beds how you want us to. Thank you for making us clean our rooms (all the time because you are a neat freak). Thank you for understanding how stressed out I get and what I need you to do for me in those moments. Thank you for being the one I can tell my problems to. Thank you for understanding me better than I understand myself sometimes. Thank you for being able to tell when I'm genuinely happy and for liking the people who you know make me genuinely happy. Thank you for putting my food in the microwave and not getting mad when I have to rush out the door as soon as dinner is done whether I have to babysit or go to drama practice. Thank you for never letting me forget that you love me. Thank you for spending your Mother's Day at youth group with us. Thank you for sharing your love for raspberry-filled cupcakes with me. Thank you for always letting me choose where we eat lunch together, even if I always pick the same place (you can't beat a pizza buffet). Thank you for not crying too much when I talk about college. Thank you for making me sit in the bathroom and talk to you while you get ready, even if I don't want to sometimes because I learn a lot from you during those talks. Thank you for teaching me about patience, even when you think you are sometimes impatient. Thank you for letting me talk about Jesus a lot and never telling me to stop. Thank you for always reminding me to write another blog, simply because you want to read another one. Thank you for protecting us, but not being overly protective. Thank you for putting up with my middle school awkward stage. Thank you for loving all of my friends like your own and only getting a little embarrassed when we yell your name down the hallways when we see you at school. Thank you for teaching me to love people, even when they are pretty unlovable. Thank you for making me wake you up when I get home, even if you never remember it. Thank you for being the best Mom I could've ever asked for.

Momma, thank you for being you. Your unconditional love is unmatchable and something that I will forever cherish.


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